Como Nossa Invenção Limpar Tietê Funcionando.
Nossa invenção pode parecer complicado, mas quando você entende, é muito simples. A água se move de bacia para bacia, porque no meio, a altitude é reduzida
Passo 1: Há um portão que bloquea o lixo grande e alguém recolhe-lo e joga-lo em um caminhão de lixo (1). Em seguida, a água é movido para a primeira bacia, longe do rio.(2)
Passo 2: Na primeira bacia, luzes UV destruir os produtos químicos do rio (3). As luzes UV são alimentados por painéis solares, portanto, não causando poluição do ar. (4)
Passo 3:. Na segunda bacia as boas bactérias são derramadas sobre as bactérias ruins, as boas bacterias limpão bactérias ruins, a água fica limpa (5)
Passo 4: o oxigénio do ar é libertado para a água no lado da bacia, porque o tubo é sucção e purificação de ar (6). A bacia tem uma porta que se vai abrindo quando há muita pressão e depois abre, deixando a água para fora. (7)
Passo 5: A água entra em um canal maior (8), onde há outra porta que leva o lixo restante, em um pequeno riacho (9), onde há outros homens que joga-lo em outro caminhão de lixo (10).
Esse projeto é limpa para a terra e limpa o rio de forma eficiente. Nosso projeto oferece empregos para os homens de segurança e de lixo, portanto, aumentando a economi
How Our Invention to Clean Tietê Works.
Our invention may look complicated, but once you understand, it’s very simple. The water can move from basin to basin, because the altitude is reduced after each basin.
Step 1: There is gate that blocks the big trash and someone takes it and throws it into a trash truck (1). After that, the water moves to the first basin, next to the river.(2)
Step 2: The first basin, UV lights destroy the chemicals in the river (3). The UV lights are powered by solar panels, therefore, not causing pollution in the air. (4)
Step 3: In the second basin, the good bacteria is poured on bad bacteria, and since good bacteria cleans out bad bacteria, the water is cleaned.(5)
Step 4: Oxygen from the air is released into the water in the next basin because the tube is sucking and purifying the air (6). The basin has a door that feels when there is too much pressure and then opens, letting the water out.(7)
Step 5: The water goes into a bigger canal, (8) where there is another gate that takes out remaining trash, into a small stream(9), where there is another trashman who throws it into another trash truck.(10)
This project is clean for the earth and cleans the river efficiently. Our project offers jobs for security and trash men, therefore increasing the economy.
Reflection Paragraph
I liked the Tiete learning process for many different reasons. First I liked that my group had good collaboration and we worked well together. Also I liked that we got to do a conceptual model then after we are prepared we start working on our physical model. I thought that building and making the physical model was very fun. many things worked well in the group, our collaboration and other stuff. I especially was happy and surprised that our model worked and cleaned the water. We had many leaks, luckily we solved that problem in time. If we could change some things in the project I would make the natural filter better. The leaks also delayed us and we would make it with no leaks next time.
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