
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tiny House Project

                This semester in Math we were assigned to do a project called, The Tiny House Project. We were first supposed to actually build a tiny house on SketchUp. I made my sketch up tiny house and I finished it but their was still one problem. I accidentally made my measurements to big, so I had to do an improvised 2d floor plan of Antony's tiny house. We also learned along this project that their was a budget. Tiny houses normally cost around 23,000 US dollars, so we had to make that our budget. I choose this design, because I think it looks pretty nice and also because it makes the house look bigger. This is mainly a one room house (except for the bathroom and closet). This design makes the Tiny house in general look so much bigger and that you have a confined space to live in. Cozy and snug, but on the other hand also spacious. As you can see in the picture of my Tiny house below, I choose to use a sliding glass door to occupy one of my wall spaces. I choose this because it gives you the sense that the house is bigger than it actually is. I also placed many windows to give the sense of more space. All of this I learned with the videos that Mrs Murray showed us in class.

        After the Tiny House you were assigned to make a 2d floor plan of your house. In my case I did Antony's. After that we had to do all the calculations and the math part of the project. I had to calculate to find the are of each window, wall and doorway. We used a helpful tool on SketchUp that measures things in feet for you. I did the base times height for each one and rounded it to the nearest whole number. After I found out these calculations I checked over them again and checked with Mrs Murray to make sure it was all correct. After I did that I moved on to do the price table. I found out the things that I was going to buy on amazon and then write them down and put their prices as you can see down below. You have to follow the budget and you can not go over 23,000 US dollars. You also need to pay for paint and those supplies.

        Overall I think that I was pretty happy with my Tiny House project. Next time I think that I can improve on making my measurements a bit more accurate.
My whole price table
Picture of full calculations
2d floorplan
My Tiny house

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

City of Ember Evaluation Essay

               The last summative assignment that we had to do in class was about the book we recently read, The City of Ember. We were assigned to do a summative essay comparing which was better, the book or the movie. We watched both the movie and the book. We all had to compare both of the versions of the story and see which one is better. We had to watch both the movie and the book and do a comparison
                   The three categories that we were supposed to be evaluated in, was Ideas, Organization, and Conventions. I thought that after studying the rubric and looking at my essay and re-reading it several times, I think that in the Ideas part I should get a 4 or maybe even a 5. I think I should get this because when writing my piece I took extra care of ideas and conventions as well to see what I could fix and what needed improvement.
      Overall I think that I should maybe get a 5 because I took  lot of care in my writing piece.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mini Presentation Reflection

              Presentations take lots of work to prepare and to create. They are long processes that should take a lot of time. In humanities this quarter we were assigned to do a prenstantation on google docs about the book, The City of Ember that we just read. We each we assigned to do two slides on either

Monday, April 13, 2015

SLC reflection

             This reflection is all about what the summative essay that we did. This quarter we started planning and making a summative Argumentative essay. We watched my videos to learn about writing one. We had to write about the industrialization. We had to choose if either industrialization was good for society of if it was bad. I thought that is was good and made an argumentative piece of writing to back my claim up.

        I think that I did many things well in my argumentative essay. One of the things that I did the best was my in my 2nd paragraph which was about medicine, vaccines and antibiotics and how they affect the world when industrialization was over. I thought that I did very well in that part because I really elaborated and put a lot.

      One thing that I would like me to grow on is my grammar and editing the piece of paper more care.

     My goal for the next quarter is to continue writing well and work on the things I need to work on. My goal is to get better at writing and to grab my readers attention better.

Growth SLC

          During this quarter in advisory we were assigned to do an SLC blogpost reflecting our learning during this quarter.

         This paragraph is going to go through the growth part of my learning. At first I thought that growing with my learning or progressing would be easy but later I learned that growth is something very difficult to succed in. Overall I think that in this category of growth I did pretty well. I thought that I grew overall pretty nicely by being more organized and bringing in my things, such as reading material into to class.

       In every learner that learns their are some challenges. Their were a few challenges these quarter that I liked taking on head to head. One of those was in my Math test, were I persevered and I tried to do the level 6 and 7 math questions. That was definitely a challenge that I had this quarter.

   Their was also many success that came this quarter. One success that I felt really proud about was my media basics. In media, I did many nice things right, such as my reflection and both my little animations that I did with photo shop.

Monday, March 30, 2015


This quarter in band I felt like I improved a bit. I turned in some Smart Music and some practice records I think that I really progressed because in the beginning I could never do Happy birthday, now I can do it with ease. I felt that maybe some improvements are that I could do more practice records.

Friday, March 27, 2015


  1. I have learned that these things that we did are very important to measure your own health and to know how healthy you are. then in the future after further practice you can learn and know how you have improved. I really enjoyed and learned many things about me from the Mile. I thought that I would get an AC in the 40s but to my surprise I got 51.17!

  1. I have learned many things while doing these tests. I thought that in the flexed arm hang and in the sit and reach I would get  not healthy fitness zone grade. After doing all these tests I discovered that I was actually good at these tests and that I passed.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Pi day

Pi day was on March 14th 2015. It only occurs every 100 years, because on Pi day, the date matches the first 6 digits of Pi. It was very cool knowing that I would participate in celebrating that date. At exactly 9:26 I took a picture of me pointing at a calendar at Pi day.

      How can we calculate Pi? We do the circumference divided by the diameter in any circle or round shape. We can get a more accurate number for Pi by doing what I did in my geogebra which was divided many different shapes to eventually get a more accurate number of Pi. 

    Irrational fractions and decimals are numbers that never repeat or end. The difference now is that rational numbers always have an end and they always have to finish. Meanwhile irrational numbers like Pi or the square root of 2 never reaper or end. We should know about Pi because it is important to know, discover, and learn about irrational numbers. To this day mathematicians and scientist still have not discovered an end or a sign of Pi repeating itself.  In class we watched a video about Pi that Mrs. Murray made, while she was waiting at the airport. It was very interesting and I liked it because we got to know all about Pi.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Quem sou eu na nas aulas de Portugues?

              Eu acho que em português nesse semestre eu cresce um pouco em português. Eu melhor em provas e estudei mais. Eu também fiz mais lição e trabalhei mais. Eu me orgulho no meu trabalho porque eu acho que e bom e que eu estou me dedicando a ele. Eu acho que na minha testagem esse ano eu foi muito bem porque eu fiz o vivas palavras. Eu acho que o poema que eu fiz nos vivas palavras foi bom e eu estou orgulhoso por isso. Também o cartaz de agua que eu e o Antony fizemos foi bom eu acho que foi criativo.

         Alguns pontos para melhorar são,que eu tenque fazer mais a lição  e entregar mais trabalhos. Eu melhorei no trabalho e também entreguei mais lição mais ainda tem espaço para melhorar. Eu acho que em todo nesse quarter eu melhorei em português e agora eu estou trabalhando  para ser mas responsável.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Summative Animations

                                                                  Complex Animation

Simple Animation

              In this unit in Media Basics we were assigned to each to a both Simple and Complex Animation. We used photoshop to create this animation, or mini movie. My idea was to do something related to water slides and rivers because I thought they would be interesting. So my complex one turned out to be a person riding a slide and falling out and hurting himself, so people call an ambulance and he is picked up. For my simple animation I decided to do something related to birds, so I did some birds migrating. I thought that was too simple so I decided to show that the birds faded away, as the night and the stars did as well so that when the birds were gone the daylight and sun appeared. I also added a person filming this on a camera. I did the animation by adding different slides together and also by drawing creating and exploring things on photoshop.

           As we went through class I learned many things about how to do things on photoshop and how to be creative and explore. When I first got to media basics I had no idea how to do anything on photoshop now I know how to navigate it and explore it. I think I did my work pretty nicely and that I followed instructions correctly and that I managed to make a nice little animation to show. I would give myself a 5 out of 7. At first I was having trouble finding out what to do and how to do it. Then  people gave me feedback and gave advice and I started having an idea of how to make it really good so I worked hard and made a pretty nice animation. One goal that I have next quarter is to always try really hard and to always give out everything you got on your work. Also to have my own pictures to bring into class.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Cells upon Cells upon Cells!

                Cells, what a beautiful thing, we saw so many of them in our lab observation about Elodea leaf cells,  cheek cells and as well as onion cells. We dropped iodine on each of the cells. Our first observation was the elodea leaf cell, it ws fascinating, watching it move and looking at its nucleus, and other cell parts. We dropped a drop of Iodine on it and as the iodine spread the nucleus became really clear.

            Next we did the onion part, as we got the onion it was really cool. The onions were really fun to observe, take notes and draw pictures of it.  I think that the onion cell was really interesting but another thing that got me really interested and wanting to learn more about cells and dive deep into this subject was cheek cells.

          Cheek cells were really cool because you had to scrape out cells out of your inner cheek with a tooth pick. I thought it was really cool and interesting to see my own cells under a microscope. The observation was fantastic.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Science Microscope points to ponder

1.Microscopes help scientist observe because they get to direct and get glances and views at tiny things that thrive in nature. Microscopes help scientist examine cells and different species of bacteria.

2.  If something is colorless then it is transparent. Perhaps we could paint it or cover it with see able color. Then you can always see it clearly. 

3. When I saw the letter e in the microscope it was pretty big of curse and I saw all of the dots that created it.